Sunday 14 September 2008

I am Touched Re: Hello again

I have a moment to digest what has been said. To re-read what I wrote and to feel the connection my words and your words have made.
I realise in hearing your words that in your writing I have found my glimmer. That, in the kindness of strangers I have begun to find my feet.
I am touched that you who do not know me, you who have taken time out of your own wonderfully colourful and diverse lives have offered me support at a time when I felt empty of my own strength. You have lifted my spirits and restored my faith in kindness. Your comforting words have been a tonic and now I know, through the kindness of strangers that I am not broken, I have not failed I am just dented and tired and that sometimes in the darkest of moments it is the simplest of things that bring hope.
I hope that in your times of darkness someone reaches through your solitude and offers hope as you have done for me and I can only say thank you and it's not nearly enough.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've never read your blog before, but I'd just like to offer support and encouragement. There are wonderful people on the internet who can be true friends, and from the sounds of things you've found a few of your own.

Have courage, sunshine.