Wednesday 9 July 2008

weather wherever

Ah July in the UK and yes its raining and dull and miserable.
Although I love this little strange shaped kingdom of ours I really do need the sunshine to function properly and considering I was wet right through to my bones and its cold and overcast outside I am not functioning all that well today. In fact to entertain myself I have been spending some time flitting about online and plodding about the house and I'm bored.
Someone once said that only boring people get bored.
I'd like to think that this statement doesn't apply to me. I don't suppose anyone wants to be considered boring but I am usually quite content to entertain myself I just don't want to today. I'm not in the mood to read, the TV is well, to put it bluntly, boring and has in actual fact been commandeered by my son. The house is messy but cleaning is the last thing I want to do and all the quirky little things that are flitting around in my head just don't seem to have any real solidity to them. So I have decided that I will sit here and be entertained by my boredom.
So here's to fluid thoughts and random ramblings. Cheers.

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