Tuesday 1 July 2008

And as they say life goes on...

So I have been hoping against hope that something particularly interesting would happen so that I could wow you (my non existent audience) with the vagueness and strangeness of my life. Alas it has not been a fruitful wait. I have instead been playing World of Warcraft (yes I am a geek and proud to be) I threw a surprise party for my mum who turned 48 but who has been an incredibly wonderful mum and just deserved a treat. I have also been receiving daily texts from my 'date' mentioned in the previous post saying how much he loves me and wants me back (not entirely sure that is possible since in my opinion I was never his) and I have made my first sale on eBay.
I am actually pretty bloomin happy at the moment all be it with an ex who I had to threaten to get committed in order to get him to go see a shrink about his issues (the chip on his shoulder is visible from mars and it would appear that being his soon to be ex wife means that everybody feels it is my responsibility to take care of him - not sure either of his girlfriends would agree but hey that's life) and the slightly unnerving attention from the date.
I am happy. I am healthy and I have superb friends and family. Oh and did I mention that I made my first sale on eBay????
Yep it was a book and I am very very impressed with myself. Cheers all round I feel.
I have also received some news - My auntie Caroline is expecting her third child (fab news and big congrats and lots of love are in order) and my brother and his 'beloved' are moving in 2 months. Not just down the road but to San Francisco. Bloomin amazing really and I cannot explain in words how very proud I am of those 2 people. Not to mention that San Fransisco is a place I have been desperate to visit since I can remember. Happy Days!
So basically everything in my life seems rosy and that's just marvelous because I was beginning to feel a little gloomy and so its nice to hear happy things. As I said the only blip on my sunny spot is my ex who declared his love for me then took his girlfriend on a romantic date and the date who believes he loves me when clearly he has some deep rooted need issues. I have therefore decided that since it is relationships of the romantic variety that blight my sunshine yellow days I will give up on it for a while. So this is me happy and single.

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