Monday 14 July 2008

I need to, I'm sorry

I hate not being creative, not writing. I feel overfull when I don't write as though I will vomit words if someone hugs me a little too tight.
When I think, it can be messy. All my thoughts are pictures and these pictures are punctuated with words. I can't explain it any better though I wish I could. If someone says "he's got green eyes" I visualise green eyes (they are always smiling eyes by the way. In my mind green eyes are always smiling). This way of thinking is incredibly useful at times. It's one of the reasons I love to read, after all I digest the words, think of them and I can see what they depict. I create the authors world in my head and I love every minute of it.
Unfortunately there is also a downside. For instance should someone say that their 'poo' was painful as it was one of those spiky ones I visualise them going to the toilet and, whats worse, is that I also visualise faeces with little bits of cornflakes randomly protruding. There's no specific reason for the spiky bits to be depicted by cornflakes its just how my mind works. And yes I realise this is not a nice thing to imagine but that is the very reason it made it on to the 'cons' side of the argument.
I'm afraid there is no real ending to this post as there was no real design behind it but I needed to write and this was the first random thought that I plucked from my mind.
My apologies. Oh and yes, I really have been on the receiving end of the 'poo' discussion.

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