Thursday 24 July 2008

And I think it may be broken........

Three days ago my little man asked me to weigh him. He's 3 and a half and doesn't understand what this means but I guess he's excited because I get supremely happy when I've lost a few pounds. I try not to let him see me do this unless its unavoidable because I don't want him to become caught up in that type of self flagellation if that's at all possible.
Anyway I thought aw bless him so out came the scales. I stood behind him and lifted him on, leaning gingerly over his shoulder I checked to see what he weighed. Unfortunately, this was when he decided to literally launch himself off the scales with a jump. It had enough power to send him into orbit as long as nothing got in his way. Luckily for him the back of his head connected with my nose so he never got to sample the delights of severe altitude. I heard a truly sickening crack, my eyes welled up and the blood began to gush. Yes I cried. It hurt. It hurt a lot.
Almost as soon as the initial flash of pain occurred it subsided, the bleeding stopped and I felt the nausea that had almost overcome me wash away. My little man was crying through shock so I put my arms out and gave him the biggest squeeze I could muster. "You know mummy" he said "you really shouldn't get that close" and I smiled and then I felt it. Pain. The left side of my face hurt like hell "OWWWWW" I yelled (little man wasn't particularly appreciative of this sudden noise)
And so generally my nose is fine but when I smile, laugh, chew, sneeze or sleep my nose throbs, in fact my mum said it looks slightly 'on the wonk' with a strange line across the bridge although its not obviously deformed apart from a a little swelling on the left hand side. Originally I thought it may be broken but there's no bruising so of course it can't be broken.
Can it?
Oh should you wish to know he weighed 2 stone 10lbs by the way.

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