Wednesday 16 July 2008

I can't think straight

No I just can't. There may be several causes but knowing them does not seem to help me.
Yes I have some bizarre chest problem this week which reminds me of an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer where a horrid (invisible to the adult eye) monster sits on children's chests and sucks the life out of them. Not because I can see such a monster (I would hope if I did see such a monster I would be actively discouraging it from sucking the life from children as apposed to writing about it on 'life in the grey area') but because I feel as though I have a small man sitting on my chest and am having a little difficulty breathing which in turn is ruining one of my favorite past times. (talking)
Then there is the sense of complete exhaustion. I am incredibly tired - to the point where I just keep nodding off (so far I have dozed on a chair in the garden, in a taxi and on the toilet) luckily I was wearing sunglasses in the cab and don't think the driver noticed and on the toilet well its not like us ladies have to aim so that wasn't too much of a problem and on a chair in the garden actually happens to be rather fun until you realise that your son has applied a small piece of peanut butter on toast to the big toe on your left foot and that it is attracting a varied selection of creepy crawlies.
Lastly there is the possibility that I am just generally feeling like rubbish, no reason that I can think of except that it was my birthday a few days ago and I do really really hate birthdays. They make me think of the previous year and how I am progressing only this year in particular I just felt downright crap.
Anyway it all means that I just can't seem to think straight. I have very few thoughts that don't revolve around my non existent love life, my incredible lack of sex and my invisible career. It does seem to have a detrimental effect on my writing as I have no particularly interesting thoughts.
My favorite thought today was that I may try to eat my own body weight in cheesy puffs this evening whilst watching some cheesy chick flick or perhaps while I read all four of the mills and boon books I have just had delivered to my door.
Maybe tomorrow I will be able to post something that makes me sound witty, intelligent and incredibly entertaining. As for today you'll just have to put up with nonsensical slightly crap posts.
Oh and out of curiosity why does my mouth taste like salami when I've just had a Muller yogurt?

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