Monday 6 October 2008

Ex's, stresses and disappointments part one

I really felt a lump in my throat this weekend. Little man was staying with the Ex and I was planning on spending the weekend packing when on Saturday lunchtime I got a phone call. Apparently little man wanted to come home (of course it had nothing to do with the fact that the Ex wanted to take girlfriend number 3 out to dinner and his mum had refused to babysit as had his sister because quite frankly they believe that since he sees little man for 2 days out of 14 he's got plenty of time to rearrange things around that) Anyway I said pretty much the same thing.
"But he's been really excited about spending the weekend with you, you haven't seen him for like 2 weeks" says me
"Then I suppose I'll just have to put up with him be an obnoxious little brat tonight then wont I" says the Ex
"I want to speak to my mummy" little man
"Hello baby are you having fun??"
"No I want to come home, please say awwright"
Not long after that the ex arrived at my front door and little man virtually launched himself and his ear to ear smile at the sight of me out of the van door and into my arms. "I love you mummy" he whispered as he clung to me with all his might.
As it turns out the ex moved into his girlfriends flat on the Saturday morning and yes they went out to celebrate on the Saturday evening. If only the ex realised what he's missing.
I am so very lucky that he knew he could come back to me my little boy of colours.

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