Saturday 9 August 2008

I thought I would

So I thought I'd just pop a little post on here because I could. No real reason I just fancied it.
I'm in the middle of a little tipple so that may explain it. Why do people tell me that drunk dialling is not good when I don't do it yet nobody tells me drunk blogging is a bad thing. You may realise just how bad at about 3 tomorrow morning! I should apologise now just in case. Very many Sorries.
Well I'm just waiting for my friend Jamie to pick me up, its chucking it down and I don't fancy walking in this. We are off out this evening, I'd tell you its somewhere exciting but its not, I'd like to tell you I'm going somewhere like a comedy club or a concert but I'm not. I'm going to my local pub where I don't have to ask for a drink, I simply go to the bar with my empty glass and they pour and charge. It's not that I'm a big drinker but when I go out I generally go there and I'm a nice person. People talk to me and get to know me and the fact that I'm something like 6 ft 1 or maybe 2 means that people generally remember me. In fact my nick name is big bird.
Anyway I'm sorry I'm babbling on a bit like a big babbly thing but I really felt the urge to talk to you, one sided though it may be.
There's something you should know about me, I'm not a naturally confident person. Oh, you already guessed that did you, well the reason I'm telling you is because I am doing an experiment tonight. My friend C is supremely confident so I am going to think to myself 'what would C say/do in this situation' and if it is within reason I shall do it. This is simply to see if I have a completely different night to normal so anyway I'm telling you this because I will inform you at some stage tomorrow of exactly what happened.
So that's it really, the end of this odd babbling post and I thank you all and wish you a fabulous weekend.
Oh and just for your information, when I spell checked the post it had more errors and typos than any other I've ever done before....ah the dangers of drunk blogging!!!!

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