Monday, 24 March 2008

I am so exhausted

So today nothing could please J my lovely little boy for he is absolutely full of cold. I feel sorry for the poor little beggar - his nose is running, he has a temperature and slips between sleep and grizzling. I wish I could say I was a Florence Nightingale type but I'm not.
I along with many other parents, particularly single parents find this one of the most difficult times to cope with. What I wouldn't give to have someone make me a cup of tea when I finally get a moments peace or run me a bath when the littlun is finally sound asleep. Days like today when I too am feeling particularly unwell I really wish there was someone to help me be.
Right now he is sat next to me on the sofa watching a movie - it changes between several depending on how long he lasts before getting hot and flustered and crying until I find something that sparks his interest. I am so tired I feel like my head is going to drop off at any moment and I am in dire need of a bath but until such a time as J can rest properly in his own bed I will stay close and make sure he feels secure and loved.
It wouldn't be so bad but I ran out of milk this morning when making him a beaker up and haven't had a single cup of tea today. I have to have my morning cuppa and don't feel right without it. Please can someone make me a nice cup of tea?